Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The 110th Congress and The Virtual Congress

Come January 4th the Congress will have a new face. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican you'll want to monitor the votes made by your Member of Congress.

On January 4th The Virtual Congress will offer you the ability to easily watch your Congress person and if you have the desire, run for the office. We give you the opportunity to run on The Virtual Congress against the Member of Congress from your home district.

For you closet politicians, now is the time to demonstrate your prowess and to make a difference. All it takes is your commitment to keep your campaign up-to-date and lively. The incumbent will have a good reason to stay on the straight and narrow because they will know, the whole world is watching.

Let me know what you think and join us soon at

Thank you.



Anonymous said...

Looks great. I look forward to browsing through it.

EdMcGon said...

Great idea!